Filmmaking and Vlogging In Pakistan


If you have a creative soul and want your own thoughts on silver screen, THEN The School of arts and design is best berth for you to sit and initiate your journey.

Filmmaking and Film editing is degree fewer universities are offering and those limited universities have not defined particular criteria about faculty and also course description. Many of the universities relay on theory and not practical work. But film editing or film making is particularly about the practical work and practice. The School of arts & Design Rawalpindi offering 6 month course with guaranteed practical work with best instructor having practical experience of Pakistan Industry.





Professional filmmaker sometimes clench diverse beliefs for getting degree in filmmaking or film editing in firm relevant to find work or job and succeed in this field. Many of them thinks that talent cannot be taught. But The School OF Arts and Design have affirm belief that talent can be learn by learning tools and strategies of work ranged with current trends.

Film making and film editing course consist of theory aligned with practical work according to current trends. New tools and techniques will be introduced by our best instructor which will change life aspect of student. The school’s main conviction that leaning new techniques and understanding the business is crucial to one’s success as a filmmaker. Those who argue against necessity of filmmaking and film editing school cite the high cost of such an education as prohibitive and assert that an aspiring filmmaker’s money would be better spent on the actual making of a film, the experience of which would be offer a more practical hands on education.

Director of The School of Arts and Design is strong proponent and consider formal education is most necessary part which allow student to understand more artistic approaches and offer more opportunities to gain from the knowledge and experience of professional instructors who work in or who have works in the industry. The School Of Arts and Design have professional filmmaker who not only relay on theory but also doing practical work in industry. Due to practical work aligned with theory The School of Arts and design holds A distinction and become best film making and editing School in Rawalpindi.

Benefits of filmmaking and film editing course from best School Of art and design Rawalpindi


Seeing your ideas come to life

Short films

Become you tuber

Get linked with production houses and television

Work placement and professional contact